Weekly Sermons

It has taken me a while and a lot of self-discipline to finally get a routine down so that the weekly messages of Brother Ashley can be ready and view-able by that Sunday evening. Not only will the videos be view-able on YouTube; I will post them here as well for ease of finding them.

I am always looking for feedback on the videos, so please, let me know if there is anything you think would make the videos better from an aesthetic point of view.

More Videos

There have been a lot of things going on and I will spare everyone the details. November’s sermons are now on YouTube. Please share them as you are able and with as many people as you are able. I am working on December fourth and eleventh and will have those up as soon as I am able.

New Videos

The past two Sunday’s sermons will be uploaded soon.  The message from October 2nd took me a bit longer than I had anticipated.  The message from the following Sunday, October 9th, will take some time as well.  It is likely that Ashley’s sermon on October 16th will be available before the one from the 9th, but be assured, they will be made available as soon as they are finished.

Sharing The Message

For your convienience, viewing, and listening pleasure, you will find a link to our YouTube content over on the right hand side of the page and, as of this week, we will start embedding and linking to Brother Ashley’s messages here.  A small overhaul of our site is coming, so please, check back every couple of days.  If you have any suggestions that you think would make our web home better, please let us know.


Grace Walk Fellowship

Welcome to Grace Walk Fellowship

Thank you for stopping by our website.  Take a few minutes to click-around and find out more about us.

We invite you to join us for Worship – each Sunday at 10:30 AM.

We meet in the 400 Building Auditorium at Costal Pines Technical College.

Click here for more information about our worship times – and here to check out facebook page.

We hope you have a blessed and grace-filled day!